Dr. Ross Segal
How His Journey Began
In his early teens, Ross Segal never gave much thought to the role smiles played in people’s lives. That changed when at age 17 he started helping out at his mother’s cosmetic dentistry practice. Almost immediately he began to learn how life-changing a smile can be. He saw patients break into tears of joy after seeing their new smiles for the first time; others jumped out of their chair to give his mom a hug. He was surprised by the number of patients who had such strong emotional responses.
Ross also observed that many patients seemed to become more confident after their treatments. Some even talked about how their new smiles had opened doors for them, and changed the way others perceived them. All of this inspired Ross to think that he too might someday help people by giving them beautiful smiles.
His mother’s patients were so enthusiastic about their transformations that he wondered if there was some secret to her method. It turns out there was; she created smiles that perfectly “fit the face” of each patient. As he continued working with his mom he began to understand the artistic nuances involved in creating beautiful smiles. He learned as much as he could from her about how to create smiles that complement patients’ faces, and why that makes such a big difference. That experience helped guide him down the path to becoming an orthodontist, and continues to inform his approach to treating patients.